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Writer's pictureImproving Lives

Connect With Councillors - An interview with Councillor Diane Docherty

Why is it important to hear from your constituents?

Hearing from constituents means that I get a better idea of what is going on in the local area. I get to find out what issues people are having with housing, repairs or greenspace for example. This contact is invaluable as it keeps me in the loop about the day to day lives of my constituents and what is important to them. This allows me to support people where I can and see how well existing services are running.



How can your constituents contact you?

I would say that the best way for someone to contact me is by email as that way the constituent has a record of our communication. For people who are not comfortable with emails or technology then there are various other ways they can get in touch. I can be contacted by phone or through my secretarial staff and all councillors do surgeries where we can meet with our constituents and discuss any issues face to face.  Details of my surgeries can be found on the West Dunbartonshire Council website.



What can people contact you about?

People can contact me about anything that the council is responsible for. Examples of this might be housing, planning, roads or social work. It is important to know that I won’t always be able to get you the answer you are looking for, but I can guarantee that I will get your issue looked at by council officers and addressed if possible. If someone contacts me about something that I am not able to cover, for example an issue that should be directed to your MSP, I can make sure you have all the details you need to make contact with the right person.

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